Track one, "I Once Had A Love", perfectly allows Tenor Russel Thompkins Jr to prove that his vocal skills are no less than what they were 25 years earlier. This is a truly great track and typical of the best work you would have expected from these guys back in the 70s. A track I played to death at the time was "Shoulder". This is a track that has a permanent home in my heart. I cannot conceive not having this track, and I feel exactly the same about "Have You Ever Been In Love" too. Preston Glass and The Stylistics together are a force to be reckoned with, and they are a tour de force of real, unadulterated sweet soul music. Many missed out on this CD and I hope you'll take a chance and grab this rare CD now. "Keeping You To Your Promise" is a great track, and was covered recently too. The upbeat "Go" is very 80s and Russell's falsetto fitting the bill, not as shrill as he was and that's not too bad a thing! I imagine you bought both of the recent Preston Glass albums, and the style Theron will give you a clear indication of what "Where Do You Run" is like. A midtempo song without the Philly accouterments, this is straight quality mid '90s soul music as good as it comes. The 70s is adopted again for "Love Can Heal A Wounded Heart", and the killer midtempo groove of "You Must Love Loneliness" completes this essential modern set from a veteran band. Now a rare album, don't allow it to disappear forever.
Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe
The Vibe Scribe
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