I stumbled across Gerald McClendon's CD online by sheer serendipity. Unfortunately there was but one measly short sound sample of a track called "Choose Love" but what I heard blew my socks off! This was such a quality SOUL song that I immediately contacted Gerald and obtained a copy of his CD, not knowing what to expect from the man. He has been an opening act for The Temptations, has worked in clubs and on a cruise ship and has performed worldwide. His passions are for soul and Motown and any hit he can render upon request when performing. Of the CD then … this is no cabaret or tribute CD, as I may have feared. Gerald has held true to his passion in music by delivering first class SOUL music with, "old school" sensibilities. I hear so much quality and style in this CD. I get plenty of Motown inflections, amongst others, within his vocal range. Overall, I would best compare Gerald to the much missed and mega-talented Vince Ebo and the quality of his tunes also reflect back to Vince’s tracks sush as "Love Is The Better Way" or "Just 2 B With U". I also hear the slick, precise resonance of Smokey Robinson on "Round And Round" with a dash of Billy Griffin, a twist of Hudson Young and a healthy sprinkling of Lenny Williams and the gaiety of Ronnie McNeir's arrangements on tracks such as "Your Love".
Overall, this is a CD to put on and leave on though my clear winners are as follows. "I’m Loving You" is an irresistible groove spiced with a fine keyboard arrangement, not to mention the backing vocals. I definitely hear the vibe of Ronnie McNeir in "Your Love" and the vocals have a hint of Gerald Alston at times. I think its fair to say that whilst Gerald has definitely his own voice his passion and love of soul music shines through with his versatile vocals. I am also keen on the uptempo groove of "Can’t Stop This" which is another winner, as is the easy flowing mellow funk of "Come Alone". I am reminded of Hudson Young’s 1994 single "It Could Be A While" with this, especially in how the vocals are paced. My second killer bar the title song is the magnificent "Round And Round" – this is QUALITY soul and needs to be recognised as such. Smokey is definitely influencing the man on this slab of soul brillance – I draw parity with the vocal inflections of "Feelings Flowing" from Smokey’s “Intimate” album. Gerald Alston springs to mind with the finale "Stop The Madness" and ends this short yet extremely sweet CD on a socio-political note. Although this slipped out unnoticed by this scribe in 1999 this easily compares with anything released or reviewed today in 2009. You will not regret purchasing this CD.
The Vibe Scribe