Friday, 13 February 2009

Vince Ebo - Love Is The Better Way - 1992 - Warner Brothers

Vince Ebo was a phenomenal talent and his unique vocals were immediately recognisable. I first learnt of this man through his work with Chuck Gentry under their guise as The Fit, who released their one and only album for A+M Records in 1988. Vince was lucky enough to turn up again on Warner Brothers a few years later in 1992 for this CD which was ignored by most at the time. Lucky, then, that you can pick it up for mere pennies - I kid you not - on Amazon. Tommy Sims, who came to prominence at the end of the decade with his "Peace And Love" set adds two songs to the mix in the form of "Make It Work" and "Why", though for me these are neither star's greatest works. There are two real killers on here and to miss these would be a real crime.

The title track is simply a wonderful example of quality real soul in the early 1990s, before the lunatics took over the asylum and everyone making a record had to be under 18, wear their trousers dangling around their naughty bits and also wear woolly hats and commando gear whilst saying "you" and "ah, yea" all the time. Oh, don't I sound bitter! Well, yeah, 'cos I am, and with damn good reason! I'm a music fan! Lol. "Love Is The Better Way" is a sublime piece of modern soul and hearing the sheer magnificence of this song brings home how sad it is that this man took his own life far too young. A crying shame, but at least we have these songs and also the wonderful "Just 2 B With U" that appeared later in the decade. My second highlight is "Love", a track that you would expect from the likes of Robert Brookins. On the first, bright, sunny, warm day of spring this is exactly the song to add as a soundtrack to that amazing feeling. The sax on here adds a real soulful edge and cannot be beaten. The rest of the CD is not at all bad, but for me these songs are simply sublime and a must-have for the 90s soul fan.

Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe

Buy from Amazon