Sadly, this resulted in one set - and to date their last set. Due to poor promotion and no media excitement the project sank quicker than the Titanic and must have been galling to all concerned. The magnificence of this CD did not pass me - and I am sure you - by. I rate this as their strongest and most consistent album both vocally and musically. Production wise the standard was as high as if Patrick Moten or Michal J. Powell had been in the studio, and the sheer soulfullness is tangible. From the powerful epic "Love Lies", the Marvin and Tammi inpired "The Feeling I Get" and the sheer jubilance of "In Your Arms" this album scores the highest points that it could hope to achieve. The Leon Ware-ish "Don't Change is a real must and the sexy "Tonight" a complete killer. The fact that many supposed soul lovers in the media shot it down in flames as it wasn't Uptown or Acid Jazz, should hang their heads in shame. This set has outlasted all these fads and will remain to outlast anything else they try and hoist upon us. Quality will always be quality.
Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe
The Vibe Scribe
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