Chuckii Booker is a phenomenal talent and his deep bass-filled head-nodder, "Stay Right Here", starts up the album in a strong manner as it means to go on. Such a strong track and one that suit's Bailey's tenor to a tone. The brilliant Robert Brookins produced "Summer Love" is a track that is simply adorable and beyond reproach. Brian Mcknight's "Here With Me" is upbeat and jaunty, and one can hear throughout that this is Brian McKnight through and through. His presence on backing vocals is great to hear too. He provides the saxy ballad "I'm Ready" which is simply amazing, and "Crazy Things You Do For Love", a collaboration with Robert Brookins, is also essential. My favourites are at the end of the CD, however. First up is the cracking ballad "Yours", a scorching duet with the sexy vocalist Nadirah Ali complete with synth and sax, and follwed by the brilliant foot stomper, "What's Missing" - a chunky Chuckii Booker number which will still get the bass-pins rattling. So, although the Man has produced a number of solo sets - all containing real timeless gems, as far as I am concerned, this 1994 effort is the most solid of them all. Classy 90s soul.
Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe
The Vibe Scribe
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